Math 8511: Commutative Algebra II
Course logistics:
Meeting times: MWF, 2-2:50pm in Room 12 of MSB.
Office Hours: By appointment or Wednesdays from 3-4pm and Fridays from 3-4pm.
This is a second course in commutative algebra. We will first finish discussing some topics we did not get to last semester, such as completions. We will then study differential properties of ring homomorphisms such as unramified, smooth and etale homomorphisms. We will discuss the structure theory of such ring maps, which will rely on Zariski's main theorem. We will also discuss the theory of Henselian rings and the process of Henselization. Time permitting we will also discuss Artin approximation.
These will be based on attendance and class participation. I might also require each of you to do a final presentation. There will be frequent exercises and questions raised (often in red) within the notes. The best way to learn is to attempt all the problems and questions, although I am not requiring you to submit them.
Course notes:
They will be posted here.
There are no required texts for this course. However, here are some resources:
Notes by Melvin Hochster on similar topics.
The Stacks Project chapters 10, 15, 16.
The first chapter of the book Néron Models.